Ask Vicki: What should I do if I'm constantly questioning if I'm in the right career?
In this answer on Quora, Monster career expert Vicki Salemi helps you determine if your career path is really the best one for you.
Each week, Monster’s career expert Vicki Salemi—a former recruiter who utilizes 15-plus years of experience in recruiting and human resources to empower job seekers—answers user questions on Quora. We’ll be republishing the answers here. If you have a question for Vicki, send it to
Q. What should I do if I’m constantly questioning if I’m in the right career?
A. If you’re constantly questioning if you’re in the right job or career, there’s probably a reason for it. I recommend you do some research to learn more about other jobs and opportunities that might make you feel more secure in your career path. This way you can gather information and determine what company or job you should set your sights on next—before you make the leap. Try the following:
· Start conducting exploratory interviews.
· Attend industry conferences, and network with key organizers, asking one or two for their time to learn more about their own personal career path.
· Find a mentor from whom you can get direction, who can assess your strengths and interests and help you brainstorm new career paths.
· Reach out to your alma mater to see if they can help you set up informational interviews with alumni at companies you’re interested in exploring.
Keep in mind, people switch career paths (and especially jobs) quite often. Even after conducting research, doing your due diligence and interviewing employers as much as they’re interviewing you, you may still end up in a job that you want to leave after a while. The ultimate goal is for you to make informed, educated career choices—but if it turns out that you want to get a new job, absolutely go for it.
Read Vicki Salemi's answer to "What should I do if I'm constantly questioning if I'm in the right career?" on Quora.