Leo Career Horoscope

Be the mistletoe you wish you could see in the world, Leo! With the Sun in playful Sagittarius and your creative, fun-loving fifth house until December 21, you’ll be the Santa in every Zoom room—and your upbeat attitude will score you major points this month. Spread the cheer by organizing a virtual holiday party. For your own self-promotion (not a dirty word!), glam up and post new headshots or design a sleek new website. Got fans and followers? Record an exuberant motivational message with your trademark Leo positivity, which is needed more than ever. Pay special attention to the total solar eclipse on December 14, which could bring fame and a spotlight moment. Make sure you’re camera-ready!

The December 21 Winter Solstice is a banner day, featuring the “Great Conjunction” of Jupiter and Saturn in innovative Aquarius and your seventh house of partnerships. The rare joining of these two giants into a single bright “star” marks the end of a hardworking (and possibly thankless) year they spent in your humble, service-oriented sixth house. Look for a major shift back toward beauty and balance—and keep a sharp eye out for new partnerships and contracts flowing in.

If you picked up fresh skills in 2020 (or over the last three years—Saturn has been in Capricorn since late 2017), get ready to put them to work supporting the dynamic duos and supportive partners you deserve!

Here’s more exciting news: Mars is headed into Taurus and your ambitious, successful tenth house on Thursday, January 6, after an extended six-month trip to Aries and your visionary ninth house. Some of your grand, blue-sky ideas could turn into viable business or career opportunities shortly after the calendar turns.