You Just Won $1 Million: Would You Quit Your Job OR Continue to Work?
On Wednesday, we asked a question on Facebook page that people often ask themselves: "If I won the lottery and won $1 million, would I quit my job or continue to work?" We were pleasantly surprised that many would continue to work and put effort into their responses on how they would allocate their million. Work-life balance was definitely the star in this post; some said they would continue to work at their current job, but would have less workplace stress, while many responded they would quit their job for a less stressful job that is closer to home and would enable them to travel more and spend more time with the family. Below are the most common responses that the post received from the FB community:
- Quit, pay off student loans and go back to school.
- Still work and pay off all my bills.
- Quit of course! Let someone have the job that needs it more and travel.
- Continue to work. After taxes you're only getting like $500K.... $150K for my daughter's college, $150K on property invest, new car and vacation barely anything left.
- Would rest for a few months then I would start my own business.
- Remain at work. Quitting your job will give you too much spend the $1 million. Then you end up broke.
- Work part-time and take plenty of vacations.
- Keep working. After taxes it's only about $700k.
- Continue to work. Then use the money to culture our child, pay for his future education, and live off the grid.
- Continue to work, but with less work stress though.
- Quit current job, but take a more meaningful less paying job closer to home.
- Take a week off...go for a vacation, then figure out a way to convert the million to a billion dollars.
- Continue to work, that money wont last forever and the bills won't stop coming either.
- Work still, but only two or three days a week to stay grounded.
- Start a non profit and probably work a part time job if need be. Being wise with what you have is the key to freedom and success.