Negative Behavior in the Workplace: 10 Examples

Bad apples in the workplace come in many forms, but there are ways to fix the problems.

Narcissists. Slackers. Micromanagers. Negative behavior in the workplace comes in many forms, but according to a report from the Center for Creative Leadership, “Problem Employees: Identify and Manage Them Before They Impact Your Business and Career,” the employees with the worst job performance—the kinds of workers that give managers the most trouble—demonstrate some common characteristics.

The survey asked a global sample of 214 leaders to describe a current or past “problem employee.” The authors then used their responses to identify the most prevalent behaviors of bad employees in the workplace.

The good news? If you possess any of these characteristics of negative behavior in the workplace, career experts say there are steps you can take to correct your course and become an all-star employee.

10 Examples of Negative Behavior in the Workplace

  1. Poor job performance
  2. Doesn't work well with others
  3. Not responsive to coaching or feedback
  4. Resistant to change
  5. Lacks responsibility for their own actions
  6. Negative attitude
  7. Poor work ethic
  8. Arrogance
  9. Ineffective communication skills
  10. Skills don't match the job

1. Poor Job Performance (25%)

The number-one example of negative behavior in the workplace is a lack of results. One-fourth of the leaders surveyed said their problem employees produced work that wasn’t up to their expectations. These individuals were described with phrases like “in over their head” and “failed to deliver.”

Not meeting your boss’ goals? The first step to take is to find out why you’re underperforming and take steps to improve on your weaknesses. Do this in a timely manner; you don’t have to wait until your annual performance review to get feedback from your supervisor.

2. Doesn’t Work Well With Others (24%)

Workers who had a difficult time forming positive relationships with coworkers, clients, and customers were considered problem employees by one quarter of business leaders, the survey found. This impedes the dynamics of your team.

Trust is at the core of any professional relationship, therefore, to forge authentic relationships with your peers, make sure to give coworkers praise when it’s due, avoid office gossip, and lend colleagues who need help a hand in order to establish yourself as a team player.

3. Not Responsive to Coaching or Feedback (20%)

Business leaders said one quarter of their problem employees were impervious to feedback and failed to make needed improvements that would boost job performance. If you don’t want to be in that camp, get a clear idea of how your boss measures success. For example, if you recently completed data entry for a project, were you working fast enough?

Some supervisors, however, are reluctant to give direct reports criticism. So, depending on your boss’ management style, you may have to be proactive and ask for feedback.

4. Resistant to Change (17%)

A significant number of the leaders surveyed said their problem employee was not open to change, for one reason or another. If you struggle to adapt, the solution is simple: Embrace change, and be willing to learn new skills.

5. Lacks Responsibility for Their Own Actions (17%)

Preventing negative behavior in the workplace begins with taking a good look at yourself. Nearly one-fifth of the participants said their problem employees frequently failed to take responsibility for their actions and were more likely to blame others around them for poor outcomes. This issue boils down to employees assuming credibility. Don’t make excuses for your mistakes. Hold yourself accountable.

6. Negative Attitude (14%)

No one likes a grump, yet some problem employees were described as individuals who were grounded in negativity and “never had anything positive to say.”

Although we all get emotionally drained at times, you have the opportunity to be the beacon of light for others around you. By your actions and responses, you can demonstrate and teach others how to behave in a positive and professional manner. Everyone is dealing with stuff outside of work, but don't bring that baggage to the office.

7. Poor Work Ethic (14%)

Of the business leaders polled, 14% said their problem employees exhibited a lack of commitment to their work, using descriptions like “left early every day” and “regularly didn’t meet deadlines.”

The key for you, as an employee, is being able to align your job performance with your boss’ expectations. Different people have different expectations about work ethic. Some managers want you online at 9 am sharp. Others aren't as bothered by that as long as you're getting your work done.

Understand what your manager’s expectations are and tailor your work style accordingly in order to show that you have a positive work ethic.

8. Arrogance (11%)

Know-it-alls don’t tend to gel well with their coworkers. Self-absorption is a real problem. One tactic you can use to curb arrogant behavior: Genuinely listen to what others are saying before you give your two cents.

9. Ineffective Communication Skills (11%)

A small portion of the business leaders said their problem employees didn’t listen and didn’t inform anyone when they were unable to meet expectations. However, doing these three things can make you a more effective communicator:

  • Bite off only as much as you can chew at one time. If you can’t accomplish a task, don’t commit to it.
  • Don’t wait until you feel overwhelmed to ask for help. Go to your manager when issues arise—not when it’s too late to solve the problem.
  • Ask open-ended questions. Questions that only require yes or no answers aren’t going to tell you much, but asking questions that begin with the five W’s gives the person you’re talking to the chance to share his or her knowledge with you.

10. Skills Don’t Match the Job (10%)

Although only one in 10 of the business leaders surveyed said certain problem employees were described as being in the wrong role, this is a common issue. An employee’s skills need to match their job responsibilities if there's going to be any hope of success. For example, if attention to detail is a key element of a job but the person assigned to it is not very detailed-oriented, that person should not be in that job.

Find Your Fit

As you can see from that last example, negative behavior in the workplace isn't necessarily the fault of the employee. Could you use some help finding a job that is a better fit for you? Make a free profile on Monster today. We can help you find a job that fits your needs so you can be positioned for success starting on your very first day.