Finance and Accounting Workers Love Their Jobs, Survey Finds

By Jeffrey Quinn
Monster Contributing Writer

Finance professionals are among the most satisfied workers, a recent survey by Monster found. More than one third (36%) of finance and accounting professionals expressed satisfaction with all aspects of their job.

Accountants, management analysts, market research analysts and marketing specialists rank as the top three jobs in the profession, with human resources specialists and loan officers closed out the top five by volume of demand.

This is the fourth significant finding of Monster’s Workforce Talent survey of nearly 6,000 registered Monster users, covering general job market insight and sentiment. You can also check our new infographic highlighting the findings about finance workers.

While survey respondents express high job satisfaction within the finance and accounting professions, they also indicate confidence (80%) in the prospects of finding a new job in the industry. More so, nearly one half (43%) of respondents agree that there are more job openings now than there were a year ago; and 46% are willing to relocate for the right opportunity.

Yet, some challenges remain, a clear majority (76%) agree that it is more challenging to find a job now than it was a year ago and that the job market is saturated with qualified finance talent. Interestingly, only one fifth (20%) agree that employers are willing to provide higher compensation.

For employers, that means they need to be careful not to be penny wise and pound foolish. With 80% of finance and accounting employees positive about their prospects of finding a new job, and 80% believing compensation is not keeping up with this marketplace reality, employers need to strongly consider how to be competitive for the best talent.

Fun fact: receives a new finance-related resume every 100 seconds and finance jobs are viewed more than 5.6 million times a month.

About the Survey

Monster’s study “U.S. Workforce Talent” surveyed nearly 6,000 job seekers who are currently employed or desire employment in the next 12 months via an online survey. The study was designed to be inclusive of all Monster job seekers who have actively used their My Monster account over the past 3 years. The survey ran from Jan. 14, 2013 to Feb. 18, 2013.

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